How to make the perfect healthy smoothie

3 easy measures on how to make the ideal healthy smoothie. I’m betting almost everyone of us is waking up thinking, “time to start healthy eating again”. No? I don’t really do this kind of resolutions and I surely have no arbitrary “lose ‘x’ amount of pounds” targets in mind, but I certainly wouldn’t care about a cookie/holiday treat detox of sorts after the foolishness of the last month. And when I’m in the mindset of returning to my nutrition, smoothies and I become BFF. They’re fast, simple and can be a nutritional reservoir if you know how to make them.

For 1 serving, you’re going to want about 1-1 1/2 cups of a liquid base. 

When it comes to vegetables, it’s tough to say there should be a limit, but for 1-1 1/2 cups of liquid, 4 cups of packed greens is normally a good ratio. If you’ve utilized fruit juice as your base, you may not even want any extra fruit. If you’ve utilized  milk as your base, 1 cup of fruit is a great amount.

  1. Spinach
  2. Kale
  3. Berries
  4. Bananas


Now for the fun stuff! The extras are where you transform your smoothie “yours”. From flavor enhancers to sweeteners to nutritional boosts, this is your opportunity to play around. 

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