7 Incredible Foods That Cure Bloating

Bloating is one of the most physically annoying conditions our bodies can put us through (that isn’t truly health-threatening). You don’t exactly know why it occurs, and you don’t actually know how to hold it once it does. It’s normally more of a “ride it out” state, which can influence your body image and mood, not to consider the capability to zip up your jeans. So why do we bloat? It’s normally caused by the processes that happen during digestion and marked by the buildup of gas in the intestine. But here’s the funny thing: While drinking and eating certain foods can lead to bloating, eating other foods can really decrease the problem. Here are some of the foods that can help soothe that puffy feeling — or limit it.

1. Water with Lemon
Because an accumulation of fluid can contribute to bloating, most of the people believe they should avoid taking in more liquid when they are already retaining fluids and bloated. But that comprehension keeps them from doing something that could actually help reduce their bloating: simply drinking water. You see, retaining water is the body’s means of holding on to a fluid so that you don't become dehydrated. So it’s particularly significant when you are bloated to propel fluids through your body, not eliminate them. That way your body is no longer in fear of dehydration and will quit storing the excess water. And lemons, being a natural diuretic and a mild laxative, can decrease the amount of salt preserved in your body. Add lemon juice to warm water for supreme effect.

2. Celery

The chemicals that exist in stalks of this veggie have been known to reduce fluid retention. That’s one of the purposes celery is usually used as a digestive aid to improve bowel movements and regulate the intestinal gas. But bear in mind that when you’re bloated, you'd rather eat cooked veggies, as the fiber structure is broken down when vegetables are cooked, making them more readily digestible.

3. Watermelon

Nearly all melons are propitious to your health in many ways, but watermelon is far and wide the juiciest, containing 92% water, which we now know is involved in decreasing bloating. Watermelon also has natural diuretic features and is an exceptional source of potassium, making it so helpful in balancing the levels of sodium and potassium in the body, which is also critical to restrain bloating.

Rosemary has been traditionally utilized to handle all kinds of illnesses, covering spasms, muscle pain, and alopecia. But did you know that the herb is also utilized to tackle indigestion that can lead to bloating? Eating just a sprig would be a little odd, so steeping some in your next cup of tea or mixing it with some celery to make a broth is a great method to get what you require from it.

5. Rice

Particular foods, notably some carbohydrates, are either entirely indigestible or can just be partly digested in your stomach. These foods are to accuse of gas development, therefore, participating to bloating. According to the American College of Gastroenterology, rice flour and rice are an excellent replacement for starches like corn, wheat, potatoes, and oats as rice is completely digested in the small intestines, giving it the minimum chance of producing gases in your gut.

6. Yogurt

If you desire to try utilizing yogurt to combat bloating, you first need to be certain you know what you’re seeking for in that yogurt, specifically active cultures. This is because, though most yogurts are frequently a healthy option, eating yogurt that includes active cultures regularly raise your levels of bifidobacterium and lactobacillus — known as “good” bacteria — in your digestive tract. Doing this will keep things moving and hinder your belly bloat. If you have a sweet tooth, it is desirable to add fresh fruit at home rather than to buy flavoured yogurts, which can contain lots of sugar.

7. Banana
although we've talked about gas playing a large part in bloating, sodium also can cause it. Because there is so much sodium in restaurant meals and processed foods, it is much easier to eat high amounts without knowing it. And that sodium attracts and retains water in the body while potassium opposes those effects. Paying attention to your overall potassium-sodium level is necessary for water balance in the body. If you assume that today’s bloat is a consequence of last night’s salty dinner, combine a sliced banana to some oatmeal this morning to restore the balance.

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